What is Pyramid Vastu?
Pyramid Vaastu is an important discovery by Prof. Dr. Jiten Bhatt, in the field of vaastu. It is based on most powerful energetics of Agni(Fire) the greatest invention of Vedic masters. All changes and transformation in the universal manifestation are govern by Agni. It is the extra-ordinary motivating force behind the entire universe(the phenomenal world) without which we can not convert our dreams into reality. The soul of vaastu is Agni. Technically, the whole universe is divided in to three realms. So to fetch fantastic results we must utilise the most powerful energetics of Agni at all three levels of vaastu of
Earth (Building Vaastu), Vaastu of Man (Personal Vaastu) and Vaastu of Heaven (Subtle Vaastu).Utilising only building vaastu is not enough, the other two are more valuable in producing results.
Pyramid Vaastu is design to obtain the benefits of all three levels. Pyramid is combination of two words: Pyra- Meaning Fire, It comes from greek word Pyra or pur ‘Fire’. and Mid – meaning the Center.So, Pyramid shape has to do with vital component again in the center.
As per enlightened Vedic masters, the energetics of bi-polar, Agni is the master key governing the entire phenomenon of vaastu. The vaastu phenomenon is regulated by two poles of Agni: Dynamic (Rudra) and Peaceful or Calm (Soma) Agni. In Pyramid vaastu we will use both Agni to get optimum results. also, use the three dimensional powerful metaphysical tool based on golden ratio. This golden ratio is of much importance in living organisms. It has a vital function in evolution, growth and success of all living beings.
To know more about Traditional Vastu Understanding and Pyramid Vaastu Science Purchase
Jiten Pyramid Vaastu Handbook – English
Jiten Pyramid Vaastu Handbook – Hindi