Make Your Water Best Natural Tonic
Water is nectar on Earth. It is the most important essence of life. It is a miraculous prime element of Nature that creates life and abundance all around us. Our bodies are made up of 63% of water. And it is responsible for vital functions in respiration, digestion, assimilation, metabolism and temperature regulation apart from innumerable other functions. Water is made up of two atoms of Hydrogen and one atom of Oxygen. It means it is an arrangement of atoms and hence has space. Anything that has space can be communicated by using another space device. When water is treated with Pyramid, it can become our best “natural tonic”
Human beings can live without food for 5 weeks, but without water only for 5 days in moderate climate. Pyramid treated water not only acts as a tonic to the body but also has numerous other advantages too. When Pyramid treated water is applied to injured parts, instant relief has been reported and the same has also been reported for insect bites and rashes. Pyramid water when applied to face for about 5 to 6 weeks, the skin becomes smoother and younger looking. When this water is used in cooking, the food becomes tastier and appetizing. Cooking time also lessens.
In an experiment, a piece of decayed meat was taken and divided into two. One was kept in plain water while the other in Pyramid water. After one week, the meat in plain water had decayed further emitting unbearable smell while the meat in Pyramid water had sediment with no trace of foul smell and the water was clear. It is also found that taking a glass of Pyramid water daily acts as an aid to the digestive system. An upset stomach quickly heals and elimination process also improves leading to better health. It is also reported that the water left inside the Pyramid somehow retains its oxygen. Pyramid water is an excellent daily tonic for energizing vital Chakras and inner power and potential.
To know more about Pyramid Science and How you make your life better using Pyramid Purchase
Jiten Pyramid Vaastu Handbook – English
Jiten Pyramid Vaastu Handbook – Hindi