Theta Healing Intro- Create Your Own Reality
The Theta Healing technique is a world renown healing method that was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health and after she healed from a 9-in tumor her leg.
The Theta Healing technique is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy – not specific to one religion but accepting them all – with the purpose of getting closer to the Creator. It is a training method for your mind, body and spirit that allows you to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the Theta Healing Technique creates a positive lifestyle.
The Theta Healing technique is always taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine. It teaches how to put to use one’s own natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work.” We believe by changing your brain wave cycle to include the “Theta” state, you can actually watch the Creator Of All That Is create instantaneous physical and emotional well-being. We have learned that through the Theta Healing Technique intuitive abilities can be used to bring about spontaneous physical and emotional well-being.
Our philosophy is to live, train, and coach others how to achieve a better life through the pure essence of love. This technique allows us to work with the Creator to help attain harmony in our mind, body and spirit. We are best known for the 7 Planes of Existence. Using this concept, the practitioner uses the meditation technique to connect with a higher spiritual power of his/her own belief and commands a change as requested by that individual.
Theta Healing Techniques
- Basic DNA
Duration: 3 Days, Type: In Person
The Basic DNA introduces the Theta Healing techniques and focuses on activating the 12 strands of DNA within each participant. The heart of this seminar is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self inflicted or externally imposed. Theta Healing we believe you inherit beliefs and emotions from your ancestors. This level we call the genetic level. The students experience an opening to the Unconditional Love of the Creator. The student will learn to identify his/her own beliefs as well as to practice pulling them for others in the seminar. This practice can quickly reveal systems of belief, showing the body how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones.
Other topics and exercises include:
- Learn why we create things in our life and what we learn from it
- Learn discernment when working with guides and guardian angels
- Introduction to manifesting in your life
- Future readings,
- balancing your moods
- soul mates, way wards and implants
- Seven Planes of Existence
- The Power of Connecting to the Creator of All the Is
The Theta Healing Basic DNA seminar is the first seminar to certify you as a Theta Healing Practitioner. The Basic DNA and Advanced DNA are the two main seminars that will give you the main tools to start as a Theta Healer.
- Advanced DNA
Duration: 3 Days, Type: In Person
The Advanced Theta Healing Seminar expands the information in the Basic Seminar to encompass an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence that surround us. The student will learn how to clear old resentments, vows, and commitments that hold them back. The student will discover how to heal with the “Baby in the Womb” and “Heal the Broken Soul” exercises. The student will receive Feelings that are Downloaded from the Instructor that will bring profound healing and enlightenment to them.
This seminar is a delightful experience as students are filled with many new and positive feelings such as knowing how to appreciate the now and what self acceptance feels like from the Seventh Plane.
As a student of Theta Healing, you will continue learning and mastering belief work, enhance your knowledge on downloads, and learn how to differentiate between the different planes of existence and the knowledge in each plane through various exercises building on the information learned in the basic practitioner class. With the completion of the Advanced Practitioner Seminar, you would have developed a strong foundation in the basics of Theta Healing.
- Manifesting and Abundance
Duration: 2 Days, Type: In Person
In Theta Healing®, the concept of manifesting is the Belief that it is possible to create something into the physical using the connection to the Creator of All That Is. Every statement, thought and action is reflected by what we are manifesting in our lives. Every decision is made upon the mirror reflection of what we choose to create. What we think and say have a direct bearing upon whether our manifestations are for our benefit or detriment. If you constantly say that you are poor, you will be. If you constantly say and think that you are financially abundant, you will be. It is of the utmost importance to stay on a positive mind set.
The truth is that we are creating our own reality and it is possible to manifest the best that the world has to offer. But you must first decide what it is you want in your life. Do you have a dream of experiencing the life you want? Many have the dreams, but not the reality despite much searching.
This course uses an amazing questionnaire to assist you to find the many surprising and deeply hidden blocks standing between you and your goals. It shows you how to dig deep to clear them; teaches you about intention and Divine Timing, followed by how to make everything in your life work for you. You are then given all the positive new Feelings you need to establish abundance in your life. Many people attempt to use Theta Healing® to download complete financial success without first Energy-Testing themselves to find what may be blocking them. In some instances, these people become upset when they do not achieve immediate results. In this seminar you will learn how to clear these possible blocks, how to make a plan, to set your intentions, and follow through on your ideas to achieve your successes. This is not a get-rich-quick manual, but rather a universal tool of self discovery to utilize your potential to become rich in all aspects of your life. The Theta Healing® Manifesting and Abundance Seminar has the following criteria taught by a certified Theta Healing® Instructor:
- Manifesting Downloads in a Theta State
- How blocks on abundance are seldom about money
- Exercises to remove your blocks
- Exercise: Divine Timing
- Exercise:Remembering your Future
- Exercise: How to create your future from the Seventh Plane and manifesting in the highest and the best way
- Exercise: Bless your money
For More Details Contact Us: +919741638665