What Is Shri Yantra?
Meru prastha Shri Yantra is one of the most exalted and potent yantra. Yantra of Supreme Divine, Goddess in her form of ‘Shri Lalita Tripura Sundari’. It is the symbolic form of all Gods and Goddesses, its bij mantras and sacred colours. The advaita (non-duality) of Shiv (the supreme conscious) and Shakti (the supreme power) – Shri yantra was possessed by Lord Brahma – the God creator and praised by Lord Vishnu the God preserver. The Shri Yantra brings about material and spiritual wealth. The unexplained power of Shri Yantra fulfills all our wishes and changes our life for better. It brings much greater affluence, peace and harmony in one’s life. The Vedas explain Shri Yantra as a scientific, cosmic and planetary energy zone.
Tripura is the ultimate, primordial Shakti, the light of manifestation. She, the pile of letters of the alphabet, gave birth to the three worlds. At dissolution, She is the abode of all tattvas, still remaining herself – Vamakeshvaratantra
The tantrik tradition views its symbols as having a gross aspect, a subtle aspect, and a supreme aspect. In terms of Lalita, the gross form is the image of the Goddess with her four arms and so forth, the subtle form is as yantra, and the supreme form is her mantra, all three being the Goddess in different aspects.
Lalita means she who plays. All creation, manifestation and dissolution are considered to be a play of Devi or the Goddess. Mahatripurasundari is her name as transcendent beauty of the three cities, a description of the Goddess as conqueror of the three cities of the demons. The different parts or petals and lines of the yantra are usually arranged in concentric circles (mandalas) and contain rays or sub-limbs of Devi. The Shri Yantra has nine of these mandals, each filled with various aspects of the Devi. In Shri Yantra there are 111 aspects.
The Shri Yantra is said to be a geometric form of the human body, which implies that Goddess as Macrocosm is one with human being as Microcosm.
Shri Yantra is the source of supreme energy. Energy is another form of ment in the shape of waves and rays. The magnificent Shri Yantra is highly sensitive and has high magnetic powers. It is a divine store house of energy which attracts cosmic ray wave from the planets and other universal objects and transform them into constructive vibrations. These are then transmitted to the surroundings where the Shri Yantra is placed, destroying all destructive forces within the vicinity. Shri Yantra is credited with supreme hidden powers which can be noticed within a short span.
A man made marvel Shri Yantra‘s aura photograph depict palpable energy with luminous large radiations of energy colours. This is the result of high accuracy and authentic consecration of the Yantra. As per parapsychology and many forms of spiritual practice, an aura connotes an object of particular power or holiness.
Shri Yantra is made out of Five Metals including gold and silver. The machining is done with high accuracy in a state-of-the-art machine room, maintaining all vedic rituals desired during the process. All the measurements / angles / radii are maintained with very fine tolerance of +/- 0.02 mm (20 microns). The Angle of pyramid is 51 degree, 51 minutes and 14 seconds, providing finer accuracy and thus quicker desired results.
1. Escalation in wealth and prosperity, Brings in new avenues of success.
2. Removes all the obstacles coming against material growth.
3. if one is keen for developing his own business, opportunities will come in.
4. Removes all the obstacles coming against business progression.
5. Transforms all adverse circumstances to favorable in business/organization.
6. Removes differences amongst partners or provide happy ending to partnership.
7. Even darshanam of shri yantra eradicate worries and problems and brings success in your task, happiness in your mind, increased self confidence.
8 One can fetch the right job Gets appreciation, promotion, increment in the job.
9. Nullifies differences with the spouse Brings happiness in married life.
10 Brings happiness and prosperity in family.
11. It enhances religious and social activities in life.
12. It indeed brings joy of the life with health, wealth and success.
13. It works on issues or opportunities like foreign travel, marriage, child, fertility and religious acts.
14. It also escalates social value and political career.
15. A student can gain high success in his career worshiping with saraswati yantra.
16. It corrects different planes and vastu dosh from home/work place.
17 It nullifies all negative energy surrounding us and brings happiness with positive energy forces.
18. It also nullifies issues/tensions at factory establishment and lead business to progression.
19. It brings good fortune in land development and real estate business.
20. With puja and darshanam of shri yantra, it releases one out of tension, friction and brings positive results.