The Science of Pyramid
Vastu is all about Space, Time and Consciousness. In the Universe – Earth, Moon and Sun play an important role. Body, Mind and Soul play a great role in manifesting our own dream world. Vastu is the science of synchronizing all three primordial forces for our desired purposes. Many shapes, forms and yantras are used in practice but the Pyramid Shape has the greatest affiliation with human energy. We are the vital component in creating our dream world. So, pyramid can give most scientific and effective results in achieving all that we want. Let’s learn how to use these pyramid dynamics in Live – Vastu.
Body – Mind – Pyramid
Earth represents the body, Moon represents the mind and sun represents the soul in Vedic Wisdom. Pyramidal space dynamics manages the growth and evolution.
This time-dynamics controls all activities. Vaastu is the space, time and consciousness dynamics.
(Moon Radius)/(Earth Radius) = 27.3%
The orbit of the Moon takes 27.3 days.
Vaastu Dynamics

Human Body Ratio: AC/AB or BC/AC = 1.618, i.e. the same as that of the pyramid

Human Geometry
The Geometry of the human body is indicative of one of the highest mysteries of the cosmos. The circle may be formed from a person lying on his back, with a compass placed at the navel. The square is formed from the measurement of the height from head to toe and the width of his/her out stretched arms. Man is a microcosm, the perfect image of the Universe. In the above drawing by Leonardo da vinci, ca.1510, we can see the golden section as a basis of measurement on the human body. The sacred proportion throughout Nature and is the governing ratio in the Great Pyramid.
To know more about Pyramid Science Purchase
Jiten Pyramid Vaastu Handbook – English
Jiten Pyramid Vaastu Handbook – Hindi