Pyramid Vastu and Vastu Shashtra Blogs and Articles
Unique Advantages of Pyramid Vaastu
Today 80% vastu correction in india are done with pyramid yantraNo.1 correction method and trusted world-wide!In 2017 we did an average 60 vaastu correction each day! Every 7 second a pyramid is installed somewhere…Most advance and scientific method, without demolitionProven over 45 years and across 50 countriesMore than 200 pyramids...
What Is Shri Yantra?
THE SUPREME DIVINE INTRODUCTION Meru prastha Shri Yantra is one of the most exalted and potent yantra. Yantra of Supreme Divine, Goddess in her form of 'Shri Lalita Tripura Sundari'. It is the symbolic form of all Gods and Goddesses, its bij mantras and sacred colours. The advaita (non-duality) of Shiv (the...
Protection Mantra
Most Powerful Protection Mantra This Protection Mantra is given by my guru, during my journey towards self-realization. This Protection Mantra i am sharing to you is so powerful that i had to take permission of my guru. This mantra is called as “Krodh Raj Bhairava Mantra”. Krodh Bhairava Mantra and Krodh...
Staircase Placement in Vastu
Staircase play very important role in Vastu one must must understand it’s placement in vastu to get benefit by placing it in appropriate direction. How staircase should be placed in Vastu? The first rule is all the staircase should go up in a clockwise direction. If it is a round staircase it...
How to use WISH PYRAMID?
हमारे जीवन मे ऐसी सारि विषिस रेहती हे जिसको हमे फुलफिल करना जरुरी है जिस पिरामिड यंत्र का उपयोग करके लाखो लोगों ने विष फुलफिल किया है उस पिरामिड यंत्रके बारेमें आज हम देखेंगे | उस पिरामिड यंत्रको कैसे एक्टिवेट करना है उसे कैसे यूज़ करना है इसके बारेमें भी...
The Science of Pyramid
Vastu is all about Space, Time and Consciousness. In the Universe – Earth, Moon and Sun play an important role. Body, Mind and Soul play a great role in manifesting our own dream world. Vastu is the science of synchronizing all three primordial forces for our desired purposes. Many shapes,...
Make Your Water Best Natural Tonic
Water is nectar on Earth. It is the most important essence of life. It is a miraculous prime element of Nature that creates life and abundance all around us. Our bodies are made up of 63% of water. And it is responsible for vital functions in respiration, digestion, assimilation, metabolism...
Learn to Live with Vaastu
The ultimate goal of all wisdom is to live a better life, to fulfill our desire, to perform our duties, to overcome all obstacles, utilize the opportunities to become happy, healthy and successful, to find the real meaning of life and its purpose. India is a country where thousands of...
How To Use Divine Locket?
Divine Locket प्रोफेसर डॉक्टर जितेन भट्ट की एक बेहतरीन प्रोडक्ट है जिससे आप अपने आपको Negative Energies, Evil Energies, Harmful Energies, Black Energies जैसी कई खराब ऊर्जाओ के सामने आपको Protection मिल सकता है । यह Divine Locket से आप अपने सरीर के Energies Centers को Balance करने मे मदद...