Toilet Remedy For Toilet in Center
We have created this combination set to correct Vaastu Dosha of Toilets in House /Office.
Select from different variations, according to your need and budget.
हमने इस कॉम्बिनेशन को घर / कार्यालय में शौचालय के वास्तु दोष को ठीक करने के लिए बनाया है।
अपनी जरूरत और बजट के अनुसार अलग-अलग वैरायटी से चयन करें। ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए पूरा डिस्क्रिप्शन पढ़े।
- Description
This Set will Energise the center/Brahmasthan and also resolve vastu dosh of toilet.
ONE kit will solve one toilet remedy. You can order as many as toilets you have to correct.
- Basic Central Toilet Remedy Set
- This combo has
- 03 nos. of Special Max Pyramid toto virtually push toilet outside.
- 01 nos. of Natron to absorb the negative energy inside toilet.
- 01 nos. of Pyraband Copper to Virtually Close toilet door and stop negative energy entering in house.
- 01 nos. of Promax Spacial to Energize and Activate Brahmasthan.
- 01 nos. of Pyra Angle to create Protection for Center Pyramid Promax Special.
- This is BEST version for Central toilet correction.
- This combo has