New AgniOn 3x Pyramid Fire
Unleash the power of ‘Fire’ – the most essential force required for the universal expansion and growth! From food to the birth of universe and from holy ‘yagna’ to death-bed. 10 TIMES more Powerful then regular PyraFire Pyramid Yantra. It arouses the core level of millions of charged ‘PHOTON’ Particles around us. Discover the power of fire and pyramids to turn a wish into reality. Compact size but Powerful Yantra.
- Description
Unleash the power of ‘Fire’ – the most essential force required for the universal expansion and growth! From food to the birth of universe and from holy ‘yagna’ to death-bed. Fire plays a vital role in every aspect of our lives. Prepare yourself for the miracle at your home or workplace. This new ‘PyraFire’ instrument can create a strong and dynamic motivating force in atmosphere. It arouses the core level of millions of charged ‘PHOTON’ Particles around us. Discover the power of fire and pyramids to turn a wish into reality!
Secret Features:
- More Pyramids than regular Pyra Fire and 10 Times more powerful.
- Comes with 4 Essential Shapes to fulfill all your desires
Easy to use:
Use ‘Kapur’ (camphor), Place it in the copper vessel. Now take the vessel in your left palm and put your right hand on top. Repeat your wish for minimum nine times. Pray to the almighty or the power you believe in for fulfilment. Set the copper vessel as shown in the figure. Go to the center of the room or house with the fire instrument. Light the ‘kapur’ and again pray till the fire extinguishes. During fire, Millions of beneficial photons spread in the room. After some time, these photons starts working as per your program. This method can be applied weekly or daily twice to fulfill your wish and overcome all difficulties.